Access Outcomes

The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. 

– Psalm 126:3 

Bingerville – October 2024

Bingerville is our ministry base in Ivory Coast.  Twelve villages are located right “on our doorstep” in the outlying areas of Bingerville.  Three of these villages have ongoing ministries.  This team’s arrival brought us the largest group that we’ve ever hosted.  Forty team members brought diversified skill sets including, occupational therapy, physical therapy, dentistry, and general medicine.  With 1,126 patients treated and 313 salvation decisions, this team extended the scope of evangelism in our village community.

Divo – July 2024

The city of Divo is located roughly three hours northeast of Abidjan.  With a population of 400,000, Divo is considered to be the sixth largest city in Ivory Coast.  For the first time, we had a portable speaker system for the preaching.  The system “happened” to come with two microphones.  God knew that we’d need two microphones in order for the preaching to be heard in two languages, French and Malinké.  (Malinké is widely spoken in Muslim ethnic groups.)  Sixty percent of the population in Divo claim Malinké as their first language.  We treated a gentleman who had fallen out of a coconut tree.  With a patient count of 1,196 and 278 decisions for salvation, this team had a lasting influence in the Divo community. 

Zangué – June 2023

Our June 2023 team brought a welcome return to Zangué.  The team shared in the joy of serving a growing church that was planted through the Access ministry.  The Zangué church is nationally-led by Missionary Ambroise Zama.  Overall, the team treated 1,105 patients with 316 decisions for salvation.

Bingerville – July 2022

In mid-2022, a large medical team came to assist us in three Bingerville villages.  The team’s ministry brought a great response.  They treated 1,507 patients with 542 professions of salvation.  In addition to strengthening existing village ministries, the team provided an inroad to Palme Afrique, a new village to us.

Tanda – October 2021

The Tanda team was our first experience in bringing a team to the eastern part of the country.  We partnered with national Pastor Fernand Kouassi in an area deep in Catholicism and Animism.  We treated an elderly gentleman who was quite ill.  He had never been to church and had never heard the Gospel.  The Lord graciously opened his heart, and he trusted the Lord as His Savior with our team.  The next day, the Lord took him home to Heaven.  In the Bingerville area, the team did additional medical care in Koffi Kro which added to the growing ministry.  This Access team treated 856 patients with 353 decisions for salvation.

Man – July 2021

We’ve never had a team that was more used of the Lord to reach Muslims.  Eighty percent of our patients were Muslim.  Some walked six miles to be treated.  Muslim ladies veiled in burkas, Muslim men doubling up on motorcycles, and older patients helped by family members.  They heard about Christ, many for the very first time.  In the Bingerville area, the team moved us further down the village road by opening Koffi Kro to the Gospel.  During five days of medical care, the team treated 1,876 patients with 581 professions of salvation.

Zangué – April 2019

April 2019 fell just prior to our 2019-2020 furlough.  Originally, we didn’t have plans for a 2019 Access team, but the Lord led otherwise.  We prayed and realized that a second medical team could possibly be used to further ground this new church plant before our furlough.  The team was organized, and plans took off!  The Fundamental Baptist Church of Zangué was constructed during a quick three-month time period.  For the first time, an Access team performed patient care at the site of a new church plant.  This was an exciting time!  The team treated 1,618 patients with an even 500 decisions for salvation.

I had been praying for someone to bring the truth to this village.

– Patient during medical day

Man – July 2018

Man, the country’s fourth largest city, is known as “the capital of the West.”  To our knowledge, the western region of the country is largely unreached with the Gospel.  The Lord led Jean Goué, a pastor and journalist from the area, to evangelize and start a church in Man. Our July 2018 team saw 1,350 patients with 419 decisions for salvation.  What a blessing it was to see souls added to this young church plant.

Zangué – August 2017

Zangué is a large village that is located four hours northwest of our ministry base in Bingerville.  From a country standpoint, Zangué is such a significant village that it is listed on the official Michelin country map.  National Missionary Ambroise Zama had a great burden to start a church in this unreached village.  The Lord allowed us to partner with him in August 2017.  Overall, the team treated 703 patients with 227 decisions for salvation.