Medical Care to Advance Church Planting

  • Bringing the Gospel to unreached people groups
  • Facilitating church planting through medical evangelism
  • Providing opportunities for healthcare professionals to serve in medical missions


Access began in July 2015 when Missionary Ambroise Zama came to see me one afternoon in Bingerville.  Ambroise Zama had been faithfully serving the Lord as a national missionary for fifteen years.  He had heard about our medical teams in the Bingerville villages. Missionart Zama came to ask if we would consider bringing medical teams into the country’s interior.  Missionary Zama said, “When the Catholics first spread Catholicism in this country, they used medical care.  Medicine works in Africa.”  He requested specifically that we organize a team to help him plant a church in an unreached village known as Zangué.  I was touched, “Lord, this is exactly why I’m here.”

The rest of the story unfolded during the months that followed. We received leadership approval. The new ministry was given the name Access.  God sent the teams and the resources. The first Access team went to Zangué. There is a church in Zangué today. God did the work. 

Access is what Christ accomplished on the cross.  Not just for us, but for all people . . . in every place and in every tribe.  

– Kristine McLaughlin, MSN APRN